03 October 2012

Sherwood Anderson 1876 –1941

*The lives of people are like young trees in a forest. They are being choked by climbing vines. The vines are old thoughts and beliefs planted by dead men.

*There is a note that comes into the human voice by which you may know real weariness. It comes when one has been trying with all his heart and soul to think his way along some difficult road of thought . Of a sudden he finds himself unable to go on. Something within him stops. A tiny explosion takes place. He bursts into words and talks, perhaps foolishly. Little side currents of his nature he didn't know were there run out and get themselves expressed. It is at such times that a man boasts, uses big words, makes a fool of himself in general.

*People who have few possessions cling tightly to those they have. That is one of the facts that make life so discouraging.

*If a man doesn’t delight in himself and the force in him and feel that he and it are wonders, how is all life to become important to him?

*Interest in the lives of others, the high evaluation of these lives, what are they but the overflow of the interest a man finds in himself, the value he attributes to his own being?

*It is all right your saying you do not need other people, but there are a lot Of people who need you.

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