18 November 2012

“A tiny cog in the great wheel of evolution.”

Greta Garbo in Ninotchka

Ninotchka~Greta Garbo 1939~III

Greta Garbo was a beautiful and talented actress. She played the strictBolshevik with an expressionless and cold face. Then, when she succumbed to the love of a man and the pleasures of Capitalism, she was her gorgeous and seductive self.  
Ninotchka, with all her stern Bolshevik reluctance, resists Leon’s comic advances. But he never gives up and she appears to never relent. “We don’t have men like you in my country,” she says. “Thank you,: says Leon. “That is why I believe in the future of my country,” she adds.She begins to weaken. In answer to Leon’s question, “Do you like me just a little bit? she says, “Your general appearance is not distasteful.”
“Must you flirt?” she asks. “Well, I don’t have to, but I find it natural.” Leon says. “Suppress it,” Ninotchka says, but she doesn’t turn away.”What kind of a girl are you, anyway? “ Leon asks. “Just what you see,” she says. “A tiny cog in the great wheel of evolution.”
You’re the most adorable cog I’ve ever seen,” says Leon. “Don’t make an issue of my womanhood,” she says. But he does and she responds.
” When I kissed you,” she says, “I betrayed a Russian ideal. I should be stood up against the wall.” “Would that make you feel better?” Leon asks.” Much better,” she says, “I have paid the penalty.” Then the romance really starts.

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