I think what I will remember more than anything else about David is his distinct laugh and his great sense of humour. He always had a joke to tell. Sometimes we did not get the punchline. In those instances, his way of laughing at his own jokes made us laugh along with him and when afterwards he explained it to us we had the pleasure of laughing a second time. At FACO where we worked together, one of the courses David taught was the art of communication. David was a great communicator. His teaching method reminded us of the truth behind those verses in 1 Corinthians: "Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and have not love, I am become as sounding brass, or tinkling cymbal." He taught us that learning English is much more than mastering pronunciation techniques and grammatical rules. He conveyed to his students that learning English is inseparable from acquiring those noble and civilising values embedded in the living texture of the language.
Just a few weeks ago he was amongst us with his friendly and optimistic presence and then before we knew it he gently glided into that eternal night. In our memories however he will continue to occupy a vivid and bright presence. David will be remembered by his colleagues, friends and students for his professional excellence, his impeccable knowledge of the subjects he taught and above all for his kindness and humanity.
This is a beautiful tribute you go to Mr D.Smith, unfortunately I did not know him very well but the picture you let him, suggests the extraordinary man he was.
ReplyDeleteVincent JACQUOT